Lead your business with the right connections

AD Partners is a secure business environment. We seek business directly from business leaders and investors.

Call us for more informations: +1 505 3909 494


Return-oriented investments.

In times of low interest rates, investments in real estate and company participations can gain in importance and help to achieve satisfactory returns with acceptable risk. We seek access to attractive properties or real estate investments and are you interested in working with private equity, infrastructure or impact investment partners.

Here’s What We Doing


We enable you to concentrate on the essentials. A complete and up-to-date overview of all assets is indispensable if you want to make sound and optimal decisions about your assets. You need to keep an eye on bank accounts, real estate holdings, company participations and other assets in order to be able to intervene in time if necessary.

Wealth Management

We treat an asset like a business. This approach requires a reliable basis. That is why we start with a very thorough analysis that not only covers the scope and structure of the assets, but also includes and pays special attention to the family situation. After all, different generations may have different needs and goals. This analysis serves as the basis for the asset management strategy. The strategy is regularly reviewed and adjusted against the background of current market developments and, above all, risks.

Capital Market Expertise

Wir sind von Anfang an ein vermögensverwaltendes Family Office. Die Vermögensverwaltung ist eine unserer Kernkompetenzen. Umfangreiche Kapitalmarktkenntnisse und Expertise bei der Auswahl der einzelnen Anlageklassen.


Sustainability is not just a buzzword or a convenient marketing tool. Rather, the concept of sustainability is deeply rooted in our identity. Many years ago, a number of partners made a commitment to sustainability and can now look back on more than ten years of expertise in this area.On this basis, we continue to develop in order to be an innovative partner in the field of sustainability in the future.


Get the best out of our partners by checking the qualities and characteristics.

You Have A Offer For Us?

Let us come together, become a AD Partner and proceed from the expertise of all partners.

Call us: +1 505 3909 494